Juryens begrundelse: “This store shows great team spirit, they are hardworking and engaged in the local community, they offer multiple benefits for students, and they are highly on social media together with a great retail concept, this store has it all.”
Juryens begrundelse: “This person is a solid performer always happy and offers service with a smile. Combining that with a hunger for knowledge and high clinical expertise the success for each and every customer is a given.”
Juryens begrundelse: “This person is highly motivated and dedicated. With a great passion for children and myopia management the nominee leaves no stone unturned.”
Juryens begrundelse: “By their unique competences they have created an extraordinary positioning in the market. A place in the market where customers are seeking for that extra-beyond a low price. Have a look at this special facade and storefront, it is rapidly changing as we speak.”